Phone Numbers
Cellphones are the people’s priced possession nowadays. It is used to connect with people by texting, calling and by using data.
And the 11 digits in our phone is a big part of our life.
By just using phones, there is no hard time to update and chat with your friends.
But sometimes it does not work. Mobile numbers can be recycled or used by others because there are many mobile subscribers, many people are changing their phone numbers and sometimes phone numbers can be swished.
But Sen. Alfred Vargas had made asolution for those problems, and it is the Lifetime Cellphone Number Act. This bill is made so Filipino’s can easily change their phone numbers whether they like to change prepaid to postpaid.In this act, there is an the Lifetime Cellphone Number Act.
This bill is made so Filipino’s can easily change their phone numbers whether they like to change prepaid to postpaid.In this act, there is an their number stays the same because as a person changes his/her sim it is likely for his/her number to change.
The mobile subscribers will have a big advantage because of the Act.